Jobs in PASSCO

Pakistan Agriculture Storage And Services Corporation Limited PASSCO has advertised posts for Junior Clerk, Telephone Operator, General Manager, Assistant, Assistant Private Secretary, Sub Engineer, Superintendant, Accountant, Project Manager, Sub Accountant, System Officer, Accounts Officer, Manager Accounts, Security Incharge, Senior Clerk, Law Officer, Assistant Network Administrator, Purchase Officer, Deputy General Manager, Divisional Head. This ad is published in Dawn on Wednesday 17 June 2020. Last Date is Wednesday 01 July 2020.


٭ The Pakistan Job Point and its policy do not necessarily agree with the comments.

  1. Dear Sir/Madam,

    I would like to apply for this vacancy. I feel that I have the relevant skills to support my application.

    Please find attached a copy of my CV / Resume for your information.

    Yours faithfully,
    Syed shahraj

  2. Dear Sir/Madam,

    I would like to apply for this vacancy. I feel that I have the relevant skills to support my application.

    Please find attached a copy of my CV / Resume for your information.

    Yours faithfully,
    Shakeel raja

  3. I need a job 4momth job Les

  4. I am jobless my qualification B.Sc & civil engineering & D.I.T in computer help me please rise hand for me


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Beware of Fraudulent Recruiting Activities: If the employer asks you to pay money for any purpose including processing to shortlisting, do not pay at all and report us using our contact us form. Apply as per instructions & dates mentioned in original job ad. Govt jobs cannot be applied online here. Error & omissions excepted.